VITVO 3D Cell Culture Bioreactor

Our VITVO 3D Bioreactor enables an in vitro reconstruction of tissue complexity in an in vivo-like environment.

  • Fiber-based 3D scaffold
  • A combination of in vitro and in vivo techniques
  • Simplify drug testing, histological analysis, and animal studies

Three Dimensional Platform

Three dimensional (3D) platforms have potential to provide more physiologic environments for cell culture in drug discovery and toxicology than classical 2D culture systems.


A Different Modulation of Gene Expression

The 3D culture of VITVO leads to a different modulation of gene expression, ultimately influencing the antigenic profile of the cells and closely mimicking an in vivo environment.


Features & Benefits

  • 3D cultures retain the advantage to mimic an in vivo-like context enabling drug safety and efficacy testing in a human avatar environment
  • Fast read-out without the need of a dedicated device (tray fits into a multi-well luminometer)
  • Ability to host multiple cell types simultaneously loaded in the two faces
  • Can host multiple cell types in a minimal volume
  • Respects the biology of the tumor (i.e. antigen expression)
  • Ideal for small scale studies
  • Portability
  • Short-duration use


  • To address chemotherapy/TKI efficacy in 3D To minimize animal uses (3R)
  • To address cell therapies efficacy (possibility to load Targets and Effectors at variable ratios in a 3D relevant model CAR-T, MSC)
  • To address biologics efficacy in 3D (PD/PK), i.e tumor penetration of a monoclonal antibody
  • To address putative drug toxicity in 3D (hepatocytes)
  • To host tumor spheroids (Glioblastoma) also loaded in the two faces
  • Cancer metabolomics (i.e. tumor/stroma interaction)
  • Histology testing after cell loading (methacrylate embedding)
  • Histology testing after cytotoxicity (surrogate of minimal residual disease)
  • Migration assays in 3D
  • As well as many other applications


Technical Specs

Material Device Frame: TPE
3D Matrix: hydrophilically coated PBT
Oxygenation Membranes: PMP
Size Matrix volume: 4 cm2 (area) x 400 µm (thickness)
Empty volume: 90% of matrix volume
Production The automated fabrication is performed in the clean room, by the innovative technology without any additives and gluing agents
Biological safety Inert, biocompatible and xeno-free
DNAse/RNAse free
Sterilization Electron-beam processing
Storage and warehousing Two years shelf life

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