Univercells Technologies NevoLine™ Upstream Platform

The Univercells Technologies NevoLine™ Upstream Platform is a flexible high-capacity, low-footprint automated platform for virus manufacturing under GMP guidelines.

  • Large-scale capacity in a compact module
  • Reliable operations for reproducible performance
  • Total Growth Area: 200 m2 OR 600 m2

Watch the Video

Learn how the NevoLine™ Upstream platform accommodates all unit operations from inoculation to midstream processing within a compact module in the video above. Single-use assemblies can be selected and combined to meet your process requirements.


Single Automation System

With automated recipe execution from cell culture to final clarification, our NevoLine™ Upstream platform features:

    • In-line process control and monitoring
    • Single, intuitive HMI for comprehensive system operation
    • Recipe configurator to quickly start manufacturing


Features and Benefits

  • Large-scale capacity in a compact module
    • Commercial-scale throughput in a 3 m² footprint
    • Integration of the intensified scale-X™ nitro bioreactor delivering high cell density
  • Total Growth Area: 200 m2 OR 600 m2
  • Reliable operations for reproducible performance
    • Process automation reducing the number of manual interventions and minimizing risk of human error
    • Seamless scalability achieved via the scale-X bioreactor structured fixed-bed design
  • Rapid manufacturing start-up
    • Ergonomic design easing installation and in-process activities
    • Continuous processing within a single automated system reducing production time
  • Ergonomic compact upstream module – A single hardware designed to fit most process specificities and ease manipulations within a controlled microenvironment
    • Plug & play platform for easy installation and operation
    • Uni-directional air flow cabinet
    • Integrated HVAC and electrical connections


  • Adenovirus
  • Lentivirus
  • AAV
  • Viral vaccine production
  • Gene therapy
  • Oncolytic viruses
  • Clinical and commercial manufacturing
  • Upstream and midstream processing of viral products

Product Comparison

Univercells Technologies
Nevo Upstream Platform
  • Available in 200 and 600 m² of fixed bed surface area
  • Single or multi-step clarification
  • In-line or batch TFF 
  • Combines single-use assemblies and process specific configurations
  • Commercial scale GMP production in a 3 meters² footprint
Untitled design (21)
Univercells Technologies scale-X hydro Bioreactor
  • Available in 2.4 m² of fixed bed surface area
  • Automated process control 
  • Monitors and adjusts pH, DO, temperature and agitation 
  • Built-in peristaltic pumps 
  • Pre-assembled tubing manifolds available 
Univercells Technologies scale-X carbo Bioreactor
  • Available in 10 and 30 m² of fixed bed surface area
  • Automated process control 
  • Docking slots available for single-use components
  • Sensors for pH, DO, temperature, pressure, and fluid levels 
  • Quick access screen 

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